Trolls and the internet

Shea Rubright
2 min readNov 16, 2020


Two important things I learned from this week’s readings and videos are how to check the credibility of websites to make sure that they are safe and reliable. Also, I learned and found it really interesting how the definition of trolling has changed throughout the start of the internet to now. The way that different people interpret trolling as mentioned in the conversation article was what really stood out to me. There is really no specific definition of trolls and it differs for each person depending on how they feel they are being treated online. It is a broad term that people use and is conflicting based on what people are actually doing and saying online. Personally, I have never used this word and I think it is more common to use the terms cyber bullying or just bullying in general when talking about the hate people are receiving online.

Bullying and trolling online has become more prevalent than ever, you can see it on almost every social media platform. One popular site right now is tik tok, I remember one common example is when Taio Cruz, famous for singing dynamite, joined. Immediately, he was bullied off the site by mean comments that were making fun of him and the video. These comments got thousands of likes, so eventually he decided to quit tik tok. He was bullied off the platform. This is happening more and more with all different kinds of people. Although it may be entertaining for the hecklers and bullies, it is extremely harmful to peoples mental health. There is no good way to avoid trolls and cyber bullying, it is just as likely to happen to anyone. The one thing I would say that would help though would to not be to instigate anything by liking controversial comments and posting controversial things online.

